
教 員

KATAOKA, Tatsuki
Southeast Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology
Society and Development
名前 KATAOKA, Tatsuki
職位 Professor
専門分野 Southeast Asian Studies, Cultural Anthropology
研究関心 I have conducted research, using long-term fieldwork and historical investigation of written sources, on society, culture, history, politics, religion and economy in Southeast Asia, Oceania, and the Ryukyu Islands. I am also interested in the philosophies and theories of the humanities and social sciences. As an educator, I make it my mission to attend to the interests and concerns of each and every student, and do as much as I can to encourage and nurture them.
担当授業科目 My interest is in the dynamics of cross-border cultural and religious movements of the uplanders in Southeast Asia. I previously focussed attention on ethnic minorities in mountain areas of northern Thailand. Right now, I am trying to expand this to encompass Burma (Myanmar), and the southwest regions of China. I have also started to conduct investigations of religious practice among ethnic Chinese in areas of southern Thailand and the Malay Peninsula.
メール kataoka.tatsuki.5u[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp