
教 員

Area Studies, Human Ecology, International Health / Global Health
Ecology and Environment
名前 FURUSAWA, Takuro
職位 Professor
専門分野 Area Studies, Human Ecology, International Health / Global Health
研究関心 As living organisms, humans have always had to adapt themselves biologically, in their physical traits and so on, so that they can survive and thrive in a given environment. At the same time, they have had to develop technologies and to acquire knowledge to help them obtain sustenance. My research covers a variety of aspects to do with this issue, the relationship between human beings and the ecosystems in which they find themselves, and its transformations, in the Asian and Pacific areas.
担当授業科目 Ecological History Ⅱ, Area Informatics A, Research Seminar on Ecology and Environment I-IV, Guided Research on Southeast Asian Area Studies I-III, Open Seminar on Asian Area Studies, Asian Area Studies On-site Seminar I-III
Book (in English)
◆Takuro Furusawa (2016) Living with Biodiversity in an Island Ecosystem: Cultural Adaptation in the Solomon Islands. Springer. Pp: 190 + XXI. ISBN: 978-981-287-902-8/ eBook ISBN: 978-981-287-904-2.

Peer-reviewed Articles (representative, in English)
◆Furusawa T, Pitakaka F, Gabriel S, Sai A, Tsukahara T, Ishida T. (2021) Health and well-being in small island communities: a cross-sectional study in the Solomon Islands. BMJ Open, 11(11): e055106. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055106.
◆Andi Agus Mumang, Kristian Liaury, Saidah Syamsuddin, Ida Leida Maria, A Jayalangkara Tanra, Takafumi Ishida, Hana Shimizu-Furusawa, Irawan Yusuf, Takuro Furusawa. (2020) Socio-economic-demographic determinants of depression in Indonesia: A hospital-based study. PLoS One, 15(12):e0244108.
◆NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. (2019) Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults. Nature, 569(7755):260-264.
◆Takuro Furusawa, Izumi Naka, Taro Yamauchi, Kazumi Natsuhara, Ricky Eddie, Ryosuke Kimura, Minato Nakazawa, Takafumi Ishida, Ryutaro Ohtsuka, Jun Ohashi (2017) Polymorphisms associated with a tropical climate and root crop diet induce susceptibility to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in Solomon Islands. PLoS ONE 12 (3): e0172676.
◆NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (2017) Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants. Lancet,389: 37-55.
◆Furusawa, T., Myknee Qusa Sirikolo, Masatoshi Sasaoka and Ryutaro Ohtsuka (2014) Interaction between forest biodiversity and people’s use of forest resources in Roviana, Solomon Islands: implications for biocultural conservation under socioeconomic changes. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2014, 10:10. http://www.ethnobiomed.com/content/10/1/10
◆T. Furusawa; I. Naka; T. Yamauchi; K. Natsuhara; R. Eddie; R. Kimura; M. Nakazawa; T. Ishida; T. Inaoka; Y. Matsumura; Y. Ataka; R. Ohtsuka; J. Ohashi. (2013) Hypertension-susceptibility gene prevalence in the Pacific Islands and associations with hypertension in Melanesia. Journal of Human Genetics,58 (3): 142-149.
◆Furusawa, T., Naka, I., Yamauchi, T., Natsuhara, K., Kimura, R., Nakazawa, M., Ishida, T., Inaoka, T., Matsumura, Y., Ataka, Y., Nishida, N., Tsuchiya, N., Ohtsuka, R., and Ohashi, J. (2010) The Q223R polymorphism in LEPR is associated with obesity in Pacific Islanders. Human Genetics, 127(3):287-94.
◆Furusawa, T. (2009) Changing ethnobotanical knowledge of the Roviana people, Solomon Islands: Quantitative approaches of its correlation with modernization. Human Ecology, 37(2):147-159.
◆Furusawa, T. and Ohtsuka, R. (2009) The role of Barrier Islands in subsistence of the inhabitants of Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Human Ecology,37 (5): 629-642.
◆T. Furusawa; K. Pahari; M. Umezaki; R. Ohtsuka. (2004) Impacts of selective logging on New Georgia Island, Solomon Islands evaluated using very-high-resolution satellite (IKONOS) data. Environmental Conservation,31 (4): 349-355.
メール furusawa.takuro.3w[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp