
教 員

Kodzue Kinoshita
Conservation・Reproductive physiology, Ethology
Ecology and Environment
名前 Kodzue Kinoshita
職位 Associate Professor
専門分野 Conservation・Reproductive physiology, Ethology
研究関心 Over the years, each animal has adapted to its environment and evolved species-specific reproductive patterns. How does a change in habitat affect their reproduction? is a major theme of my research from the viewpoints of endocrinology and ethology. Although I hve mainly focused on the ecological apex predator, felids, I've been involved in research on a wide variety of endangered species, including birds, terrestrial mammals, and marine mammals.
担当授業科目 Environmental Ecology I, Research Seminar on Ecology and Environment I-IV, Guided Research on Southeast Asian Area Studies I-III, Seminar on Asian and African Area Studies, Asian Area Studies On-site Seminar I-III
メール kinoshita.kodzue.8v[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp