名前 | NAKAMURA, Ryosuke |
職位 | Assistant Professor |
専門分野 | Forest Ecology, Biogeochemistry |
研究関心 | Species-rich tropical forests are supported by elemental cycling. I have conducted research primarily in Borneo to reveal novel aspects of plant-soil interactions. Current research interests include understanding mechanisms of silicon cycling via plants, litter decomposition and plant ecological strategies in tropical ecosystems underlaid by a variety of rocks. Recently, I have strong interests in long-term strategies for tropical forest conservation and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem functions. |
担当授業科目 | |
写真ギャラリー | http://ryosukenakamura.weebly.com |
研究業績 (代表論文・ 著書) |
1. Nakamura, R., Cornelis, J.T., de Tombeur, F., Yoshinaga, A., Nakagawa, M., Kitajima, K. (2020) Diversity of silicon release rates among tropical tree species during leaf-litter decomposition. Geoderma 368: 11428. 2. Nakamura, R., Nakagawa, M., Kitajima, K. (2020) Spatial variations of litterfall silicon flux & plant-available silicon in highly weathered soil in a lowland mixed dipterocarp forest of Lambir Hills National Park in Borneo. Tropics 29: 1-8. 3. Nakamura, R., Cornelis, J.T., de Tombeur, F., Nakagawa, M., Kitajima, K. (2020) Comparative analysis of borate fusion versus sodium carbonate extraction for quantification of silicon contents in plants. Journal of Plant Research 133: 271-277. 4. Nakamura, R., Ishizawa, H., Wagai, R., Suzuki, S., Kitayama, K., Kitajima, K. (2019) Silicon cycled by tropical trees: effects of species, elevation and parent material on Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia. Plant and Soil 443: 155-166. 5. Nakamura, R., Kajino, H., Kawai, K., Nakai, W., Ohnuki, M., Okada, N. (2019) Diverse recalcitrant leaf-litter from trees in a serpentine ecosystem slows down decomposition. Plant and Soil 442: 247-255. |
参照URL | https://www.asia.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/members-en/nakamura-ryosuke/ |
京都大学 教育研究活動 データベース |
https://kdb.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/profile_private/ja.4f0963f294254ae2.html |
メール | nakamura.ryosuke.7x[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp |