(1) 竹田晋也. 2015.「マングローブ林の地域生態史 −生態環境論−」 河合明宣編『改訂版 地域の発展と産業』NHK出版283 (116-126)
(2) Takeda, S. 2014. Environmentology of Birth, Aging, Sickness, and Death from Highlands Perspectives. In Okumiya Kiyohito eds. Aging, disease and health in the Himalayas and Tibet. Rubi Enterprise. 216 (181-201).
(3) 竹田晋也. 2013.「オアシスの水利用からみた乾燥チベット・ヒマラヤの生態−つながる高地」奥宮清人・稲村哲也編『続・生老病死のエコロジー』昭和堂316 (106-120).
(4) 竹田晋也. 2012.「熱帯雨林」東長靖・石坂晋哉編『持続型生存基盤論ハンドブック』京都大学学術出版会534 (256).
(5) 竹田晋也. 2011.「高地から考える生老病死の環境学」奥宮清人編『生老病死のエコロジー』昭和堂241 (205-231).
(6) Adrian Albano, Els van Dongen, Shinya Takeda. (2015) Legal Pluralism, Forest Conservation, and Indigenous Capitalists: The Case of the Kalanguys Indigenous Peoples in Tinoc, the Phillippines. Nature and Culture 10(1):103-127.
(7) 山口哲由・竹田晋也 (2015) 山地における農業と気候に関わる通年観測体制の構築 −ラダークの村落における簡易気象観測機器と定点カメラの設置−『ヒマラヤ学誌』16:142-152.
(8) Adrian Albano and Shinya Takeda (2014) Conserving forests in privatized commons: trends and management options in an Ifugao village, Philippines. Small-scale Forestry 13(1):1-17.
(9) Rashedur Rahman, Kazuo Ando and Shinya Takeda (2014) Development of Shrimp-Based Cropping Systems in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh: A Village-Level Study in Satkhira District. Journal of Land Use Science 9(2):195-210.
(10) Yasuyuki Kosaka, Lamphoune Xayvongsa, Anoulom Vilayphone, Houngphet Chanthavong, Shinya Takeda, Makoto Kato (2013) Wild Edible Herbs in Paddy Fields and Their Sale in a Mixture in Houaphan Province, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Economic Botany 67(4):335-349.
(11) Md. Rashedur Rahman, Kazuo Ando and Shinya Takeda (2013) Cost Analysis of the Shrimp-Based Cropping System in Coastal Bangladesh: A Village Level Study. Tropical Agriculture and Development 57(3):77-85.
(12) Md.Rashedur Rahman, Kazuo Ando & Shinya Takeda (2013) Effect of Shrimp-Based Cropping Systems on Salinity and Soil Fertility in a Coastal Area of Bangladesh: A Village-Level Study. Journal of Agricultural Science 5(11):1 -10.
(13) 山口哲由・ソナムゴデゥップ・野瀬光弘・竹田晋也(2013)「ラダーク山地社会における農林牧複合の農業形態と土地利用の変容」『ヒマラヤ学誌』14:102-113.
(14) 倉島孝行・竹田晋也・佐野真琴 (2013)「タイのマングローブ域をめぐる政策と制度の展開−森林セクターと非森林セクターの相互作用過程に着目して−」『アジア・アフリカ地域研究』12(2):215-246.
(15) Nyein Chan, Shinya TAKEDA, Reiji SUZUKI and Sota YAMAMOTO (2013) Establishment of allometric models and estimation of biomass recovery of swidden cultivation fallows in mixed deciduous forests of the Bago Mountains, Myanmar. Forest Ecology and Management 304:427-436.
(16) Win, R.N., Suzuki, R. and Takeda, S. (2012) Remote sensing analysis of forest damage by selection logging in the Kabaung Reserved Forest, Bago Mountains, Myanmar. Journal of Forest Research 17:121-128.
(17) Win, R.N., Suzuki, R. and Takeda, S. (2012) Impacts of selective logging on the regeneration of two commercial tree species in the Kabaung Reserved Forest, Bago Mountains, Myanmar. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 24(3):312-321.
(18) Albano, A. and S. Takeda (2012) Enterprise Development for Sustainable Management of Forests : Some Lessons from SMEs. Journal of Forest Management 11:223-240.
(19) Md. Rashedur Rahman, S. Takeda, and K. Ando (2012) A Review of Shrimp Based Farming Systems in Bangladesh with reference to Other South and Southeast Asian Countries. Journal of Forest Management 11:201-222.
(20) Kurashima, T., T. Toma, S. Takeda, M. Sano, R. Tabuchi and P. Patanaponpaiboon (2012) Tracing a Riparian Area to Objectify Social Capital Dynamics of Local Resource Management: a Case Study in Northeastern Thailand. Journal of Forest Management 11:54-78.
(21) Thinn T. and S. Takeda (2012) A Review of Mangrove Conservation and Management in Myanmar. Journal of Forest Management 11:34-42.
(22) Jintana, V., W. Chaiyasan and S.Takeda (2012) Sustainability of Mangrove Forest Management by Local People in Thailand. Journal of Forest Management 11:23-33.
(23) S. Takeda. (2012) Forest Products of the Trans-Boundary Mekong River Watershed: Lac and Teak in the Lao Forests. Journal of Forest Management 11:90-107.
(24) 野瀬光弘・竹田 晋也(2011)「インド北部ラダーク地方の農林地利用状況 −2010年ドムカル村医学キャンプでのヒアリングから−」『ヒマラヤ学誌』12:85-92.
(25) 福富江利子・松林公蔵・坂本龍太・和田泰三・石本恭子・木村友美・野瀬光弘・竹田 晋也・山口哲由・池田菜穂・平田昌弘・月原敏博・大塚邦明・石川元直・諏訪邦明・Tsering Norboo,・奥宮清人(2011)「歩数計からみたインド北西部ラダーク・ドムカル高所住民の生活習慣−運動量と食生活−」『ヒマラヤ学誌』 12:23-31.
(26) Jintana, V., Chaiyasan, W., and Takeda, S. (2011) Community-based mangrove conservation: Sustainable forest management in Yeesarn Samut Songkram province, central Thailand. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 5(special issue):117-122.
(27) Takeda, S. (2011) Local management of forested wetland in tropical Asia. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 5(special issue):27-29.
(28) Takeda, S. (2011) Swidden farming and monsoon forests of mainland Southeast Asia: A patchwork of disturbance and succession. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 5(special issue):7-10.
(29) 中辻享・ラムプーンサイウォンサー・竹田晋也 (2015) 「ラオス焼畑山村における家畜飼養拠点としての出作り集落の形成-ルアンパバーン県ウィエンカム郡サムトン村を事例として-」『甲南大學紀要 文学編 歴史文化学科』165:255-265.
(30) 竹田晋也・宮川修一(2015)「インド東部ジャールカンド州ムンダ村落のラック生産と産米林景観」『熱帯農業研究』8(suppl.1):87-90.
(31) Chan,N., Takeda, S., Suzuki, R., Yamamoto,S. (2014) Assessment of aboveground biomass and soil carbon storage of the fallow forests after swidden cultivation in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar. The International Forestry Review 16(5):405.
(32) Ei, Takeda, S. (2014) The local particularity of the livelihoods of taungya participants in the teak plantations in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar. The International Forestry Review 16(5):456-457.
(33) Thinn, T., Takeda, S. (2014) Local mangrove forest management of cyclone-affected areas in Myanmar. The International Forestry Review 16(5):254.
(34) Takeda, S. (2014) Mapping a full cycle of swidden cultivation in Laos The International Forestry Review 16(5):61.
(35) Ei and Shinya Takeda. (2013) Preliminary Observations of Interactions among Local Livelihoods and Taungya Teak Plantations in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar 『熱帯農業研究』6(suppl.2):75-76.
(36) Nyein Chan, Yamamoto Sota, Suzuki Reiji and Takeda Shinya (2013) Assessment of above-ground biomass and soil carbon in swidden cultivated fallows in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar: A chronosequential approach.『熱帯農業研究』6(suppl.2):71-72.
(37) Thinn Thinn and Shinya Takeda. (2013) Mangrove Vegetation and Land Use of Cyclone-Affected Areas in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar.『熱帯農業研究』6(suppl.2):73-74.
(38) 竹田晋也 (2013)「ラオス北部カム村落のおける商品作導入による焼畑システムの変化」『熱帯農業研究』6(suppl.2):69-70.
(39) 鈴木玲治・竹田晋也、Lamphoune Xayvongsa (2013)「過去8年間の焼畑土地利用履歴と休閑期の植生回復の関係−ラオス北部・カム村落の事例−」『熱帯農業研究』6(suppl.1):77-78.
(40) 山口哲由・野瀬光弘・竹田晋也 (2013)「チベットの村落を考察する比較対照としてのインド北部村落における調査報告」『ICCS現代中国学ジャーナル』 5(2):56-67.
(41) 竹田晋也(2012)「インド北部ラダーク地方の山間オアシス農業と土地利用の変容」『熱帯農業研究』5(suppl.2):35-36.
(42) Nyein Chan, Sota YAMAMOTO, Reiji SUZUKI, and Shinya TAKEDA (2012) Fallow vegetation recovery under different levels of disturbance: A case study in a Karen village, the Bago Mountains, Myanmar.『熱帯農業研究』5(suppl.2):71-72.
(43) 竹田晋也・鈴木玲治・山本宗立・ニエンチャン(2012)「ミャンマー・バゴー山地におけるカレン焼畑土地利用の10年間の動態」『熱帯農業研究』5(suppl.1):93-94.
(44) Adrian Albano and Shinya TAKEDA (2012) Ifgao vegetable terraces: history and sustainability of vegetable farming in Tinoc, Ifgao, Philippines.『熱帯農業研究』5(suppl.1):103-104.
(45) Nyein Chan, Sota YAMAMOTO, Reiji SUZUKI, and Shinya TAKEDA (2012) Estimation of plant biomass in swidden fallows in a Karen village, the Bago Mountains, Myanmar.『熱帯農業研究』5(suppl.1):95-96.
(46) 鈴木玲治・竹田晋也・ニエンチャン・山本宗立 (2012)「ミャンマー・バゴー山地の焼畑耕作に及ぼすタケの一斉開花の影響」『熱帯農業研究』5 (suppl.1):97-98.